Is It Worth the Wrestle?

How can we really KNOW something? How can we be sure we are not just following the masses or a temporary trend? How can we know for ourselves? Are we digging for the answers? Do we go to the right Source for truth? What is truth and where do we find it?

In the Bible, in Jame 1:5-6 we read:

5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. 

6 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. 

I like to analyze scriptures for deeper meaning and understanding:  

If any of you lack wisdom (that means ALL of us, because none of us have all wisdom), let him ask of GOD (not Google, talk shows, not your best friend or neighbour, not your mother, anything or anyone else. Ask GOD. You can pray to Him about ANYTHING.), that giveth to all men liberally (meaning information and knowledge will be given freely to those who seek), and upbraideth not (upbraid means to reproach, rebuke, fault find, censure….in other words – don’t be cynical with the Lord), AND IT SHALL BE GIVEN HIM. (We are promised that an answer will come. “Be thou humble; and the Lord thy God shall lead thee by the hand, and give thee answer to thy prayers.” D & C 112:10) But let him ask in FAITH (meaning: expect an answer!), nothing wavering (don’t be unsteady or undecided in your faith to ask. Be resolute!). For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.

So even though many of us pray, why do we wrestle with our faith? Are questions good? Are they doubts? How do we work this all out when there are so many opinions and belief systems out there? What is true? 

One of my favourite books of all time is by Sheri Dew called “Worth The Wrestle“. It’s based on a BYU address she gave called “Will You Engage In the Wrestle?“. Here’s an excerpt: 

Sheri Dew said,

“My dear friends, questions are good. Questions are good if they are inspired questions, asked in faith, and asked of credible sources where the Spirit will direct and confirm the answer.”

Our quest for answers and testimony and for a deeper understanding of spiritual things comes through quiet whisperings from our Father in Heaven through the spirit of the Holy Ghost. Not from loud convincing, but through feelings….impressions. These moments of clarity are deeply personal and don’t always come easily, but as we learn the language of the spirit and are still, we can feel and know truth. The more we pray to the one Source of all truth, the more we will recognize His voice when He speaks to us in those quiet ways. It’s like learning a whole new language; because it is — the language of the spirit.  

In a world of opposing opinions about God, His existence, truth about life, death, morality, and His word, we we will be confused unless we find out for ourselves and then hang on to what we know by living it, testing it out, and seeing how we feel when we live it. That’s faith. And faith is an action word. And prayer is action. 

“Spiritual questions deserve spiritual answers from God.” ~ Neil L. Anderson 


Sheri Dew also says,

“None of us are entitled to revelation without effort on our part. Answers from God don’t just magically appear. If we want to grow spiritually, the Lord expects us to ask questions and seek answers. “If thou shalt ask,” He promised, “thou shalt receive revelation upon revelation, knowledge upon knowledge….” (D & C 42:61) How much clearer can it be? The Lord loves inspired questions asked in faith because they lead to knowledge, to revelation, and to greater faith.” 

She also talks about us being “seekers” and what defines someone who tackles questions with faith: 

“Seekers have certain habits that are key to learning to communicate with God. For starters, they engage in the wrestle, meaning they work at it. They immerse themselves regularly in the scriptures, because the scriptures are the textbook for the Lord’s language. They also work to be increasingly pure-pure in their heart and thoughts, pure in what they say, watch, read, and listen to. Purity invites the Spirit. And then, pure seekers listen.” 

For those who are seekers and are diving in to the Lord’s word to receive answers, we are taught in Moroni 10:4-5 what to do with the word of God, once we have received it: 

4 And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.

5 And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.

So how do we know it’s truth? The power of the Holy Ghost. This is how we can KNOW. And we cannot have this power assist us unless we are seeking it and, like Sister Dew said, “work to be increasingly pure”…and then listen.

So how do we know our answer is coming from God and not some other source?  

In D & C 9:7-8 we are given guidance on what that will look like:    

7 Behold, you have not understood; you have supposed that I would give it unto you, when you took no thought save it was to ask me.

8 But, behold, I say unto you, that you must study it out in your mind; then you must ask me if it be right, and if it is right I will cause that your bosom shall burn within you; therefore, you shall feel that it is right.

Listen to these three short videos on light and how we can recognize truth.  

Boyd K. Packer said, “Put difficult questions in the back of your minds and go about your lives. Ponder and pray quietly and persistently about them.

The answer may not come as a lightning bolt. It may come as a little inspiration here and a little there, “line upon line, precept upon precept” (D&C 98:12).” 


So, are you ready to engage in the wrestle? 

Ask In Faith
Words and music by Sara Lyn Baril
Vocals by Kansas Long  



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