Our Testimony Board: Faith In My Trials

Through the trials I have gone through with my skin and health when I was younger, I was really able to get to know, and become close with, my Savior. Countless times I can recall praying to God for relief from my pain. I just remember the immediate relief I felt almost every time I offered a prayer which allowed me to still catch a few hours of sleep those nights.

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Our Testimony Board: Church in Mexico

In the summer of 2016, I attended church in a town called San Jose Iturbide, Mexico! 4 other girls and I lived in a small apartment across the street from the school that we taught English at. We arrived in San Jose on a Saturday, and of course I planned to go to church the next day. I was overjoyed when I heard that church was across the street, ALSO IN THE SCHOOL!

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Our Testimony Board

About a year ago, a couple of my children came home on a Friday afternoon from school visibly upset because of some things they had heard. They were confused and sad. As the other three came in the door, I asked them how they felt, and they were also confused and had many questions. I saw this as an opportunity to have an impromptu Family Home Evening…or family home “afternoon”. I gathered all five of my children in the living room and I silently prayed the spirit would direct my words and that we could have a short, successful lesson that would bring peace to my children’s hearts and help them to understand.

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